Health & Safety

The Health & Safety working group was officially launched in June, 2020. The working group is chaired by Nir Yanushevsky and co-chaired by Ziv Lazar, respectively Specialist in Public Sector and Contractual Construction, and Head of Data and Economics for the Israeli Association Builders.

Health and safety on the worksites are daily concerns for contractors, and should not be seen as a burden, like it is mostly nowadays, but as a source of increased revenues. Indeed, a change in worksites organization can lead to an increased productivity. The current pandemic stressed out even more the need of a Health & Safety working group, in view of the consequences this health crisis has on the construction sector.

The current axes of work are the following:

  • Select countries where the safety improvements have been the most significant;
  • Study how countries performing less can adopt these improvements;
  • Establish different case studies and identify best practices;
  • Contribute to the elaboration of a common data base, to use the same measures all over the world;
  • Bring in a technological approach to the Health & Safety issue.