Camara Chilena de la Construccion & PPP Americas, Santiago, Chile, June 2016

At the invitation of the Chilean Chamber of Construction CCHC, CICA Director General Roger Fiszelson and Assistant Director General Fanny Dastugue participated in PPP Americas which took place in Santiago, Chile, from June 20 to 22, 2016.

All the videos of the conference as well as the speakers’ presentations are available on PPP Americas’ website.

CICA was particularly attentive to the presentation made by Eduardo Abedrapo in charge of the Concessions in Chile.  A Report on 20 years of Concessions in Chile was recently published by the Ministry of Public Works.

CICA also underlined the power and efficiency of the International Infrastructure Support System as a tool to have well prepared projects. The platform, presented at PPP Americas by Christophe Dossarps, CEO of the Sustainable Infrastructure Foundatation, will be officially available on July 1, 2016 for the private sector to try and comment it.

This visit to Chile was also the occasion to discuss and exchange on CICA works with representatives from the Inter-American Federation of the Construction Industry (FIIC).